
Firm Foundation

In whom is my foundation?

A famous evangelist spoke of the following incident:

“I have a friend who in a time of business recession lost his job, a sizable fortune, and his beautiful home. To add to his sorrow, his precious wife died; yet he tenaciously held to his faith, the only thing he had left. One day when he was out walking in search of employment, he stopped to watch some men who were doing stonework on a large church. One of them was chiseling a triangular piece of rock. ‘Where are you going to put that?’ he asked. The workman said, ‘Do you see that little opening up there near the spire? Well, I’m shaping this stone down here so that it will fit in up there.’ Tears filled my friend’s eyes as he walked away, for the Lord had spoken to him through that laborer whose words gave new meaning to his troubled situation.”

Somebody could sing, “Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen.” That’s partially true. Nobody living on this earth knows exactly what you are going through. However, the old song ends this way, “Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen. Nobody knows but Jesus.” That’s true. He knows what we’re going through. Not only that, the Lord has a purpose in all that we experience. Through all the suffering and pain, all the blessing and joy, He is shaping us for a purpose. There is great liberation in knowing that the Lord is working in a mighty way, even when we feel like He has walked off the job.

Our mission here at Hope is to share the hope of Jesus with a world in need of hope. We pray that you and your family know Jesus Christ; the One who loves us more than we deserve and more than we could ever imagine. May He be your firm foundation as you build your home and your lives upon Him.

Hope Christian Preschool

Our mission is to provide a God-centered education in a secure setting, in a space designed just for kids.

Hope Kids

Where kids experience the awesomeness of God and gather in a setting designed just for them and meet new friends!

Hope Youth

We walk with students in grades 6 to 12, discipling them in faith, life, and mission.
Adult Opportunities

Adult Opportunities

You were made for community. We have many options available. Find something that’s right for you!

Hope Groups and Bible Studies

A place to connect and grow with others and in your relationship with God.

Care & Support

In the midst of our joys and struggles, we do not have to walk alone. No matter what you are facing, we want to give you opportunities to find freedom and hope.Â