About Hope Church
To share the hope of Jesus with a world in need of hope.
To bring about an ever increasing number of people who trust Jesus Christ and faithfully live out the 5G’s of discipleship.
The 5 G’s
We were created for worship, worship Him.
Disciples of Jesus grow, take the next step.
Saved people serve people, it is more blessed to give than to receive.
Found people find people, invite someone.
About Services at Hope
In response to Jesus’ saving grace in our lives, we believe His command is clear that we are to gather TOGETHER, to celebrate His name, be empowered by His Word, and to build each other up in pursuing the unique plan He has for each of us.
Our Service Times
Sundays 8:00 am
Traditional Service
Sundays 9:30 am* & 11:00 am
Contemporary Services
*ASL Interpreted
Hope Greece Worship Center
Sundays @ 9:30 am
Hope Brockport Worship Center
Contemporary Service
Or Watch with others online Sundays at 9:30 am or 11:00 am
*ASL Interpreted Services Available on Mondays
At Hope Church, you are welcome to come as you are. You will find worshippers dressed anywhere from suits or dresses to jeans and t-shirts.
You can expect a warm welcome by people very happy that you are with us.
You will find someone from our First Impressions Team by the "First Time Guest" banner who would be happy to answer any questions you have. Stop by and let us know you are here.
Scan the QR code in our pews or fill out a Connect Card and bring it to the Welcome Desk in the foyer - we have a welcome gift for you.
As a baptized believer in celebrating the Lord’s Supper, you are affirming with each communicant that:
- Jesus is your Savior and Lord.
- You believe His body and blood are truly present for the forgiveness of sins and spiritual strength.
- It is your desire to serve Him as a disciple in the fellowship of the Christian Church.
How old do I have to be to take communion?
It is our practice at Hope Church to instruct our youth before the reception of the Lord's Supper. That instruction begins in junior high and these youth are confirmed in the faith by the end of eighth grade and then able to participate. To avoid confusion, we ask that guests and visitors with younger children respect this practice or speak to the Pastor if there are further questions.
What do you serve at communion? I have a dietary restriction, may I still commune?
We serve wine and wafers at communion. Grape juice and gluten-free wafers are also available.
When do you offer communion?
Communion takes place every 2nd weekend of the month in all services and is also available after services on the fourth weekend.
Prayer can be praising Him in times of celebration and crying out in times of need. Allow our Prayer Team to join you in prayer.
Pastors are also available at the front of our sanctuary after each of our worship services; it would be their honor to pray with you.
Leadership Team
Pastor Kirk Dueker
Lead Pastor
Jeffrey Reuter
Associate Pastor
Maryanne LaRuez
Executive Director
David Hurlbutt
Brockport Campus Director
Chris Folwell
Center4Hope Director
Ann Marie Pavone
Assistant to Pastors
Chris Stephens
Worship Director
Our Statement of Faith
We believe that God the Father created the universe. He is holy and just, and also loving and compassionate. His deepest desire is to live in a close relationship with all people.
We believe that because of His desire to live in a relationship with us, He sent His own Son, Jesus Christ, who became a human being, born of a virgin. He is fully God and fully man. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus made it possible for all people to live in a relationship with God. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Through Him, and Him alone, can people enter into a relationship with God.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the presence of Jesus Christ in us. Through Him, God loves us, empowers us and lives in us. The Spirit gives gifts to all believers. We encourage these gifts to be used in service to our God.
We believe that the Bible is the Word of God. Through it, God reveals Himself to us. The entire Bible is God-breathed and God-inspired. The Old and New Testaments are the norm and guide upon which we base our faith.
We believe that The Church, be it a local congregation or the world-wide fellowship of believers, is the Body of Christ. As His Body, we are called to worship with Him, serve Him, and be the instrument through which the Good News in its fullness is shared with the world.
We believe in and practice the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion. We believe that through the waters of Baptism, by the power of Word, God comes to us to adopt us as His children. Through Baptism, God gives the gift of new life. We affirm the baptism of all people, including children and infants.
We believe that through the Lord’s Supper, God comes to share Himself with us and to love and forgive us. It is a meal of remembrance and renewal. Jesus is really present in the meal.
We believe in the worth and value of life and every human being. Created in God’s image, humans matter to God. Their worth is dependent, not on accomplishments, but on God’s love for them. Because God sees mankind as worth dying for, we affirm and acknowledge the dignity of every human being.
At the same time, we acknowledge that mankind is separated from God because of sin. We joyfully proclaim the Good News that because of Jesus Christ, forgiveness is possible through faith in Him. It is this forgiveness that restores fallen humanity’s worth.
We believe in and anticipate the return of Jesus Christ. Though we do not know the day hour, we joyfully proclaim His soon return to encourage all people to make the most of life today, and to inspire us to share the Gospel with everyone as quickly as possible.
In all of this, we affirm and identify with the Lutheran confessions as part of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. We affirm the centrality of grace alone, faith alone, and the Word alone.
Board of Directors
At Hope Church, we value input from our members, some of whom serve on our Board of Directors. All members are encouraged to participate in Voter Assemblies throughout the year. Minutes are available after approval.
Voters Assembly Minutes
2023 Minutes
2022 Minutes