
Hope Christian Preschool


Our mission is to provide a God-centered education in a secure setting, in a space designed just for kids.

We are so glad you are here! Please take a virtual tour (scroll down), then read more about our preschool. Many of your questions can be answered in the Learn More About Our Preschool section below.  Everyone is always welcome to come on Sunday mornings, starting at 9:15!

We have a new parent app!

Our preschool has partnered with Brightwheel, the leading early education app, for registration, parent communication, tuition billing, and more. It is highly reviewed, secure, and commended for its ease of use.

Our Programs

Toddler Time

This parent/child class will focus on fostering connections between caregiver and child while helping each child reach their developmental milestones in a fun and loving environment.

With two age groups, Mini-Toddler (ages 6 mo – 15 mo) and Toddler(ages 16 mo – 28 mo), each class is tailored specifically for your child’s current developmental stage. Using gross and fine motor activities, sensory exploration, movement, and music, your little one will explore their world while growing their social and language skills. Grownups may learn a lot too!

Choose Thursdays or Fridays.

Mini Toddler class runs 9:30 – 10:15 am

Toddler class runs 10:30 – 11:30

Oct 3rd (4th) – Dec. 12th (13th)



Two-year-olds go through so much growth this year – from learning to express and gain control of their emotions to playing with friends, to big motor-skill gains.  Through the use of music, art, games, and reading time your two-year-old will advance in their skills this year. 

To begin our Twos classes, your child must turn 2 before August 1st of the current school year.

Scroll down to learn more about our school. 


Three-year-old students are advancing in their development. Their social and language skills are expanding rapidly, they begin to remember 2-3 step instructions, and fine motor begins to develop. Independent play progresses to parallel and group play.

We have 2 types of 3-year-old classes:

  • 2-day classes (T, Th) for younger children who turn three between August 2 and December 1 of the current school year. 
  • 3-day classes (M, W, F) for children who turn three before August 1 of the school year. 3-day class students must be potty trained.
four year olds playing


At this age, children are starting to understand other people’s feelings. Your 4- to 5-year-old should be better able to work through conflicts and control their emotions. They are growing in more complex large motor and fine motor skills and independence. Throughout the year, our experienced staff will lead them toward kindergarten readiness. 

We have two types of Fours classes:

  • Three-day Fours are M, W, F classes. These children must be 4 by December 1st of the current school year. 
  • We also offer a 5-day class for older children who are not old enough for kindergarten, or who might need extra time before kindergarten.  These children must be 4 by August 1st of the current school year. 

Take a Virtual Tour of Hope Christian Preschool

We encourage you to watch this quick video to see our facilities and read more about our preschool below. Many of your questions can be answered using the information below. If you still have questions, email kelliehudson@sharethehope.org

Note: We no longer require masking. We do follow local health department guidelines.

Our class offerings

We are excited to be a part of your child’s education and look forward to the opportunity to contribute to their learning journey! Registration is easy as 1,2,3!

Find out if Hope Christian Preschool is right for your child. Is Your Child Ready for Hope Christian Preschool

Take 5-10 minutes to register by creating a Brightwheel Account and filling out our form. Then pay the registration fee in the Brightwheel app!

Learn More About Our Preschool

Our school utilizes Brightwheel for all of our communication and billing. You must know how to use the Brightwheel app as a parent or guardian. There are 3 easy ways to learn: 

Brightwheel YouTube Videos make it easy! 

Brightwheel Help Center online

.... or access the Help function inside the app

Since its beginning in 1962, Hope Christian Preschool has been committed to serving the needs of the families in our community. Our academic curriculum meets the core competency guidelines for New York State Preschools. The teaching staff consists of well-qualified professionals with college degrees and/or equivalent classroom experience who will gently guide your child through the stages of learning.  Teachers also have child safety, first aid and CPR training.

Our school year runs from September to early June.

We are now utilizing the Brightwheel app for registration, billing and parent communication. Learn more at Mybrightwheel.com

Click here to take a video see our facilities. (Note: We no longer require masking. We do follow local health department guidelines.)

Our Christian based curriculum teaches the children the most important message - Jesus loves them!

All classes are 2.5 hours.

All class times are 9:00-11:30 AM or 9:15-11:45 AM.

A school orientation/meet the teacher is held for all incoming families in early September. Tours prior to enrollment are virtual as to not disrupt classes in session. Please see the virtual tour on this webpage.

Also please join us for one of our open to the community events.  Keep an eye on upcoming events on this page for details.



Two-day Threes
  • Must be 3 by December 1st
  • Classes are on Tuesday/Thursday.
  • Diapers are not accepted for this age level.
  • Staff cannot change a soiled pull up as there are no changing stations in the 3 and 4 year old bathrooms. A parent or guardian will be called for soiled pull-ups. The child can be changed using facilities within the building and the child can return to class.
  • Children in this class tend to be the younger 3 year olds, some with fall 3 year old birthdays. Pull up are accepted.  However, the child must be independent in the bathroom and able to step in and out of a wet pull up.  There should be some interest in using a toilet. 
Three-day Threes
  • Must be 3 by August 1st
  • Classes are on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
  • Children in this class are fully toilet trained and independent in the bathroom. No diapers or pull ups are accepted


Three-day Fours
  • Must be 4 by December 1st
  • Classes are Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
  • Children in this class tend to be the younger 4 year olds or are turning 4 by December 1, fully toilet trained and independent in the bathroom.
  • No diapers or pull ups are accepted.
  • Children will be exposed to and engage in tasks and projects involving the core competencies for preparation for Kindergarten.

Five-day Older Fours

  • Must be 4 by August 1st.
  • Children must be fully toilet trained and independent in the bathroom.
  • No diapers or pull ups are accepted.
  • Classes are Monday – Friday.
  • This class is geared towards children who are taking advantage of the ‘gift of another year’ of preschool by delaying Kindergarten one year, or 4 year olds with birthdays early in the calendar year.
  • The 4 year old Pre-K core competences are the same as the 3 day Fours, but the class has more time for lesson and skill reinforcement on the extra days.

Typical Day:  Each class is unique in lesson specifics and child expectations, but includes the same basic elements.

  • All classes are 2.5 hours long per session
  • Child choice /centers: puzzles and toys, center activities, (i.e. kitchen, dress-up, science, blocks, books, time for social   interaction and developing friendships.)  During this time the children learn about decision making and sharing as they play.  Teachers also take the opportunity to work with them, one on one or in small groups.  
  • Circle time activities: opening song and prayer, calendar, helper chart, Bible story, learning concepts, and introduction to the craft.
  • Craft Time: Fine Motor skills and academic concepts are reinforced and new ones are practiced through the crafts and other creative activities.
  • Wash up and snack time: Snack time gives the children the opportunity to socialize and be responsible for themselves.
  • Active play: takes place in the indoor play center, the play Zone or outside on the playground where children use their large muscles.
  • Show & Tell/Letter of the week: helps the children develop their language skills and self-confidence by speaking in front of their classmates.
  • Story time, Songs, and Finger plays: The children have an opportunity to learn new songs, develop memory skills and have fun with rhythms during this time.   
  • Coats on and closing circle: good-bye song, prayer and angel stamp, open the door to waiting parents and dismissal.

It is our goal that all children enrolled at HCPS have a positive school experience. To help guide you, please read the information listed below.  By registering, you acknowledge that you understand these expectations. 

  1. HCPS is a Christian preschool.  Your child will hear every day how Jesus loves us and will be taught age-appropriate Bible topics during “Bible time.”   No prior Christian education or knowledge is needed, and children are not evaluated on Bible concepts during mid-year and/or year-end progress reports.
  2. At HCPS, we believe in the power of routine. Each day follows a structured schedule, providing your child with a sense of security and predictability. 
  3. HCPS is not a low-ratio school.  Class sizes can be found on the website. There are no more than two adults in the classroom at all times who need to work with all children in the classroom. Children who are more comfortable in a smaller classroom with less structure will find it difficult to settle in at HCPS.
  4. All three and 4-year-olds are expected to be able to be still, listen, and not disrupt others during circle time for at least 5 minutes. This time will increase as the school year progresses and for the four year old age group.
  5. Children will interact in the classroom routine without exhibiting repeated behaviors that require excessive staff attention to the disadvantage of other class members.  
  6. Children attending a three-day-a-week class must be in underwear and independent in the bathroom by the start of school. The full toileting policy and all of our policies can be found on our website

Hope Christian Prescription admits students of any race, color, or national or ethnic origin. 

For more information about preschool readiness, check out these websites: https://www.teachinglittles.com/child-know-before-preschool-checklist/


Read books about preschool.
There are many books about going to preschool available from the public library in your area. Reading to your child helps them begin to process this new opportunity. Greece Public Library also has wonderful children’s programs. 

Make a game out of practicing self-help skills.
These skills include unzipping their coat, putting on their backpack,and fastening their shoes. Velcro shoes give kids a great sense of independence!

Before school begins, your child should also be able to drink from an open cup.
It can also help to review basic preschool skills (such as hand washing, toileting, socializing with peers, separating from adults, and following directions) a few months before enrolling them in a preschool program, particularly if you notice that some of these skills are lagging.

Play at your new preschool.
Our outdoor playground is always open! Follow @sharethehopekids on Facebook to see when our indoor playcenter will be open over the summer. These visits increase your child’s comfort with and confidence in this new setting. Or join us on a Sunday morning at 9:30 am for Hope Kids. Your child will have a great time!

Help your child learn to play alongside other children. Check out programs at your local library, community centers, and playgrounds. Go to the zoo, the beach, the ballgame! This will give your child confidence they can handle new situations. Have discussions about how new places can be a bit scary, and they are strong and brave to face them. Make a list of the new things they do/learn this summer and post it where you both can review it. This builds self confidence.

Potty Training
While diapers are not accepted in the older programs. Pull ups are allowed in the 2-day Threes, but not in any other programs. For potty training tips, check out these tips from Focus on the Family. Don’t stress though! We understand this is a work in progress. In August, you will have a chance to chat with your teacher about where your child is in the training.
Use pretend play to explore the idea of preschool.
Take turns being the parent, child, and teacher. Act out common daily routines, such as saying good-bye to mommy and/or daddy, taking off your coat, singing songs, reading stories, having Circle Time, playing outside, and taking naps. Reassure your child that preschool is a good place where she will have fun and learn. Answer her questions patiently. This helps children feel more in control which reduces their anxiety.
Practice short separations and work toward longer ones
Try leaving your child with a trusted friend or relative while you run a quick errand and see how that goes. This will allow your little one to slowly get used to what it’s like to be apart, and to learn the pattern of separation and reunion.

For more really great ideas, check out the Zero to Three website and their extensive list.

  • We encourage healthy snacks for the children.
  • Teachers will assign snacks by alphabet to each family, taking note of birthdays. 
  • The teacher will inform the class of any allergies.
  • Regardless of allergies in your room, please provide a peanut-free snack (a snack that does not contain peanut products). Unless your teacher specifies otherwise, ‘made in a factory with peanuts’ is okay.
  • Examples of a healthy snack are goldfish, pretzels, individual fruit cups, or applesauce. Please, no
    cookies or muffins (special party days excepted).
  • No drinks please, water will be provided.
  • For birthday snacks, any individual wrapped snack such as mini cookies are okay for a birthday.

Teachers are available through the Remind app for questions. Be aware that individual teachers may have different times of the day for availability.

Arrival and dismissal times are good for a quick greeting, but they are not appropriate for a lengthy or private conversation.


  1. Review Our Classes so that you know what you would like to register for.
  2. Click the 'register' button at the top of this page.
  • We will not be requiring masks unless the Department of Health re-institutes the required mask policy for daycare and preschools in Monroe County.
  • Per New York State law, we are required to ensure all students attending our classes  have received all age-appropriate CDC recommended vaccinations. For further information, consult the NYS Center for School Health website. 
  • Click HERE for a pdf of our School Policies. 
  • Click on the following documents to download.
  • Daily Health Screen

Your child will need a backpack to carry papers, crafts, or Show & Tell items.   You should enclose a change of clothes for any accidents, and extra socks for the playcenter. 

Please make sure label everything with your child's name. 

Your teacher will contact you regarding snacks.

Tissues, wipes, and paper towels are helpful donations for the school. Please, no sanitizer or other donations are needed. 

Water bottles are not needed as the children get time for drinks.

Understand that from time to time, we will put pictures on Hope Church’s social media accounts (Facebook, instagram), and the website, and that staff may take pictures for such purposes however they will not save these photos.

Check your email  (the one you use for billing) and spam folder from the month of January. 

If you still can't find in, email sherrytrerise@sharethehope.org She can resend it to you. 

Office Staff

Hope Christian Preschool is Led By:

Kellie Hudson

Administrative Assistant

Becky Kilbride

This number is not monitored during preschool hours. Parents should use the Brightwheel app to communicate with teachers and administration. 

Billing Specialist

Sherry Trerise

Hope Christian Preschool

Our mission is to provide a God-centered education in a secure setting, in a space designed just for kids.

Hope Kids

Where kids experience the awesomeness of God and gather in a setting designed just for them and meet new friends!

Hope Youth

We walk with students in grades 6 to 12, discipling them in faith, life, and mission.
Adult Opportunities

Adult Opportunities

You were made for community. We have many options available. Find something that’s right for you!

Hope Groups and Bible Studies

A place to connect and grow with others and in your relationship with God.

Care & Support

In the midst of our joys and struggles, we do not have to walk alone. No matter what you are facing, we want to give you opportunities to find freedom and hope.