
More Than We Can Imagine Love

The little guy was in preschool.  I asked the kids in his class, “Why did God send His Son to die on a cross?”

He answered, “Because He loves us.”

That’s a good, safe preschool answer, right?  So then I asked the expected follow-up question, “How much does God love us?”  Most preschool kids will stretch out their arms and say, “This much!”  Again, that’s what you would expect from a four-year-old.  Not this little guy.

He said, “He loves us more than we could imagine.”

He’s got it!  He understands that God’s love is deep and wide, greater than we could imagine, more than we deserve.

Now don’t get me wrong.  I am excited about all four pillars of the “Walk by Faith” campaign.  I am thankful that God blessed Pastor Kirk with this vision and I fully support him in what he sees as our 20/20 vision.  It’s just that I have been sharing with kids in VBS and in our preschool for almost 22 years and I see God’s hand working in a powerful way in the kid’s hearts and lives.  And so with the children’s ministry expansion I believe we could reach and teach more kids in a creative way.

Dr. Frincke, who began as pastor here at Hope in 1937, used to drive the school bus and pick up kids for Hope’s Christian day school.  He would drop off a full bus load of kids and before he would close the door, he would say to the adults – “More.”  And off he would go, rounding up, even more, kids.

I would say the same – “More.”  Not so that we could boast about our numbers, but simply because we follow a seeking, searching Shepherd who wants all to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could reach more kids?  Wouldn’t it be fantastic if there were more little boys and girls who knew that they were loved by God more than they could ever imagine?  I believe that God has positioned us as a congregation to do just that.  That’s why my wife and I, because of all four pillars, have chosen to walk by faith and support this campaign.

Hope Christian Preschool

Our mission is to provide a God-centered education in a secure setting, in a space designed just for kids.

Hope Kids

Where kids experience the awesomeness of God and gather in a setting designed just for them and meet new friends!

Hope Youth

We walk with students in grades 6 to 12, discipling them in faith, life, and mission.
Adult Opportunities

Adult Opportunities

You were made for community. We have many options available. Find something that’s right for you!

Hope Groups and Bible Studies

A place to connect and grow with others and in your relationship with God.

Care & Support

In the midst of our joys and struggles, we do not have to walk alone. No matter what you are facing, we want to give you opportunities to find freedom and hope.Â