
Building and Grounds: Gathering in God’s House

18Let this be written for a future generation,
that a people not yet created may praise the Lord:
19“The Lord looked down from his sanctuary on high,
from heaven he viewed the earth,
20to hear the groans of the prisoners
and release those condemned to death.”
21So the name of the Lord will be declared in Zion
and his praise in Jerusalem
22when the peoples and the kingdoms
assemble to worship the Lord. Psalm 102-18-22

Gathering in God’s house is  our focus this month as we continue to outline the  Hope 2020 Vision. To have a place to gather and worship freely is a privilege. We must be wise stewards in the care of the buildings and grounds that God has provided for us.

B&G BackgroundAl Szklany and the Buildings and Grounds team have done a fantastic job of outlining the repairs and maintenance details that will be necessary in the near future to facilitate ongoing, uninterrupted ministry at Hope. These repairs and maintenance will necessitate that a significant cash reserve is set aside. We seek to accomplish this in part through our  Hope 202 Vision: Walk by Faith Campaign this Fall.  If you would like to know even more details, we have a video you can check out on our Hope 2020 Vision website.

How blessed are we that thousands of ministry hours occur in our building each month!  Actually, there are not only 1000 hours of ministry, there are thousands of people in Vacation Bible School alone!  Imagine what else God has planned for generations yet to come. Like Nehemiah, we must consider that the disrepair of our buildings and grounds is a reflection of us to the surrounding community. Nehemiah wanted all people to know that the true God is worthy of our best, and hence, he set out to repair the walls.

hopebldgThe excellent care of our facilities now will impact future generations and yes, even eternity, as future believers gather in worship and ministry. Imagine thousands who will walk through the doors of Hope and proclaim, “their God must be worthy of their best.” Prayerfully consider joining as we take the next step, walk by faith and take care of God’s great house.
In His Service, wherever He leads,

Hope Christian Preschool

Our mission is to provide a God-centered education in a secure setting, in a space designed just for kids.

Hope Kids

Where kids experience the awesomeness of God and gather in a setting designed just for them and meet new friends!

Hope Youth

We walk with students in grades 6 to 12, discipling them in faith, life, and mission.
Adult Opportunities

Adult Opportunities

You were made for community. We have many options available. Find something that’s right for you!

Hope Groups and Bible Studies

A place to connect and grow with others and in your relationship with God.

Care & Support

In the midst of our joys and struggles, we do not have to walk alone. No matter what you are facing, we want to give you opportunities to find freedom and hope.Â