Navigate to the Calendar or Registration section on this page to find upcoming events. Some calendar events also include registration links on the details page.
Select a campus in the upper right of the calendar to see events specific to your campus. Use < > to browse by month. The page will reload when an event is clicked with details at the top of the page.
View the public calendar, in a different way or subscribe to it.
Navigate to the Calendar or Registration section on this page to find upcoming events. Links are provided below for events requesting pre-registration to order materials, plan for food, or other planning needs. Thanks for registering!
If a registration is not advertised above, browse all public forms available at Hope Church.
Please note that our online registration system is not supported by the Internet Explorer (IE) browser.
In order to register online, you must use Edge, Chrome, Firefox or Safari, which are all available as free downloads.
Hope Greece office hours are Monday – Thursday 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Closed Fridays.
Hope Brockport office hours are Thursdays, 1:30 – 5:00 pm
Call ahead or email to schedule an appointment.
Offices are closed at all locations on the following dates:
You were made for community. We have many options available. Find something that’s right for you!
In the midst of our joys and struggles, we do not have to walk alone. No matter what you are facing, we want to give you opportunities to find freedom and hope.