“Walk by faith, not by sight.” That scripture verse pretty truly reflects my parenting journey. While I often question my abilities as a mother, I trust in God’s abilities as King, Creator, and Savior. He cares for my children even more than I do! I seek God’s wisdom so that when my children are older, they will remain on the right path (Proverbs 22:6). I try to seize opportunities to share God’s love and truth with my children, but I do not live in fear of mistakes that I may make. I continue to pray with and for my children, bring them to church and teach them about Jesus, but my confidence remains in God’s saving powers! God loves my children so much that He sacrificed His Son to bring Benjamin and Rayna into His Kingdom. God whispers their names each day. He delights in walking with them and He longs for them to respond to His gentle calling. I smile when Rayna sings “Jesus loves me,” or when Benjamin acts with loving kindness, for I know God is encouraging me. God is telling me we are walking together. God hears my concerns and He responds with His mercy.
I thank God for the wise and loving teachers He has brought into our lives. There is peace in knowing God has placed Pastor Greg and his team to guide and encourage the youth during those years when they will be most sensitive to peer pressure. I pray they will form godly friendships and that Benjamin and Rayna will be surrounded by believers whom they will not only encourage, but who will also encourage them (Romans 1:12). However, the greatest peace and joy comes from the truth that God will never give up on my children.
God loves them.
God loves them.
Jesus will stretch out His nail-pierced hands to hold my children’s hands. He will be their Light. He will be their Rock. I eagerly wait for the day when Benjamin and Rayna declare Jesus as their Savior, Lord and Friend. They will have learned to walk by faith and not by sight.
Until then, I will continue to Walk by Faith. As we prayerfully consider our family’s commitment to the Hope 2020 Vision campaign, we are so encouraged to see such powerful initiatives for the children and youth at Hope and in the community. What a blessing to know Hope loves them now and is intentionally making plans so that generations yet to come will know the love of Jesus.